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Forums: Index > Wade's Room > Amy Hall Article (replywatch)

This forum thread is in reference to Amy Hall's article.

2nd Alias[]

Dap00's comments copied here by Mknopp
Did anyone in the series ever actually refer to Amy as Gorilla Fist? I don't remember that, anyway. Though I can see why fans would make that assumption. But I'm pretty sure she never called herself that, so I thought about removing that part from the Bio, at least. - Dap00 19:45, February 21, 2013 (UTC)

I do not remember anybody ever referring to Amy by that alias.
Mknopp (talk) 20:53, February 21, 2013 (UTC)
Other than the episode Title, no, not *within* the episode was that name/phrase uttered.
Personally this is a case which I feel that meta info (the episode's title) be accepted as part of the in-verse canon. There is no one else, aside from the two gorilla-samurai, that title/moniker could refer to and it makes the most sense it refers to Amy than either of her retainers..
Love Robin (talk) 21:05, February 21, 2013 (UTC)