Kim Possible Wiki
Forums: Index > Wade's Room > Reader Board Gallery Page (replywatch)

New Article[]

I'd like to propose that a page be made strictly for MHS readerboard images.  Each should then be captioned with the episode it appears in, and linked to the relevant Episode Page.  I feel there are enough to support such a page, will help keep the epi-pages just a tad tidier, and peeps can peep them all in one place.

Love Robin (talk) 05:35, January 27, 2013 (UTC)

I like the idea of having a separate article for the reader boards.
However, I want to clarify something. Are you suggesting that if we make the reader board article that we not show the images on the episode pages, and instead link to the reader board article?
Mknopp (talk) 16:03, January 27, 2013 (UTC)
Yes, actually. I do believe the text-form of the readerboards, or at least the section, could be linked to the image page's relevent episode subsection.  This would keep the Episode page subsections relatively uniform as some eps have no readerboards while others could have as many as 3.
Love Robin (talk) 20:58, January 27, 2013 (UTC) 

I would say to go ahead and make the article. We will wait one week from your suggestion date to modify the Layout policy concerning the handling of the episode articles. If we do not receive any objections. However, even if the changes to the episode pages is not put into effect it is still a good idea to make the article.

Mknopp (talk) 13:17, January 28, 2013 (UTC)
