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Hego's Name Meanings[]

I don't think the meanings behind the codenames of Team Go was ever established in the show, likely because most people thought they were obvious. Although I tend to disagree with Hego being called that because he's the "hero". They're all heroes, so that wouldn't set him apart from the others. Mego is the most selfish and self-centered one. Wego are the only twins. Shego is the only female. So to me, it would make more sense that Hego's name at least partially originates from him being the most masculine, as well as the virtual opposite of Shego. Especially since he's the one Shego apparently dislikes the most. I agree Hego is the most devoted to being a hero, but even that could be attributed to his masculinity: he's big and strong, convinced that he's always right, and so thinks it falls upon him and his family to always save the day. It also explains why he considers himself the leader, when it was Shego who kept everyone on track. - Dap00 11:26, March 24, 2013 (UTC)

I agree that Hego = "hero" is both speculative and off-base. Canon does *not* expand on their codenames, *IF* codenames they are; though I suspect Hego's "mild-mannered alter ego" had a different name for his BN managerial job, shame they never bothered to provide one for us.  I endorse the pronoun format for trivia, but not main article. 

Fanon generally ascribes "Henry" to Hego; *I* go with "Hercule". Yes, neither have place here.

Love Robin (talk) 12:13, March 24, 2013 (UTC)
