Kim Possible Wiki

The House[]

1. Could someone add the reference to Larry's Birthday for it being next to Kim's house, Please and Thank You. (I'll learn how sometime…)

2. The line about their house having two appearances is wrong. The two pictures show the same house in two different lighting: evening sunset and clear broad daylight. The episode from which both are taken is Bonding and the pictures are respectively to establish Ron and Barkin's bed time and the next morning as they step out to start their day. I'm unsure how exactly you'd like to rework this. Perhaps removing the line and just adding time-of-day captions to the pics.

Love Robin (talk) 17:14, November 20, 2012 (UTC)

Episode Appearances[]

I know that the Stoppable house didn't appear in all of these episodes, but I figured it would be easier to delete than add.

Mknopp (talk) 23:36, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

Pics of dark house[]

Umm… The 3rd pic (as of this date) of Kim and Ron walking by what looks to be his house, cannot *be* his house. It has to be another house built on the same model as his. Notice not only the coloring–Ron's is yellow and bright in daylight, like the 1st pic, this one browns and dark in the same lighting… but the orientation of Kim's house–next to Ron's yellow one, hers faces the street same as we always see it in establishing shots, yet in the 3rd picture it *appears* to be facing the brown house. 

What the Grande Size pic has to be is *around the corner* from Kim and Ron's street and what we're seeing over Kim's shoulder is her house, elevated on its hill, around the corner, so that the dark house they're walking in front of is on the street around the corner.

Love Robin (talk) 01:45, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, what I thought was Ron's house isn't. In fact, if you look really closely at the house it isn't even the same design.
Also, watch the following video clip

From this clip either one of two conclusions can be reached. Either, the animators made an error with Kim's house and made the wrong side face the street, or there is another house in Middleton that looks exactly like Kim's house.
As they walk it is pretty clear that there isn't a street running in front of what has always been shown to be Kim's house.
(On a side note, I am going to have to work on my video settings. Cutting the frame rate brought down the file size, but made the audio really annoying. Sorry about that, I didn't notice about the audio until after it was uploaded.)
Mknopp (talk) 17:38, November 30, 2012 (UTC)